American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Gallery of Fluid Motion

The Gallery of Fluid Motion is one of the most enjoyable aspects of the American Physical Society’s Division of Fluid Dynamics conferences. Although I had long admired the creativity of the entries, I never found the time to create a poster or video worthy of submission. In 2016, I devoted a significant effort to capturing a phenomena under investigation, and submitted a poster, which was one of the winners of the 2016 APS/DFD Gallery of Fluid Motion award winners in the poster category.

A train of vapor bubbles is formed by ejection into a subcooled liquid pool. In the base flow, surface tension pinch-off drives a liquid “spear” through the center of the vapor bubble to form a vapor torus that leads to rapid condensation. Alternatively, using a directed 1.7 MHz pulsed acoustic beam early in the vapor bubble formation (and prior to pinch-off) exploits the liquid-vapor acoustic impedance mismatch to force a similar liquid “spear,” forming a vapor torus and accelerating the bubble collapse.

Accelerated Condensation in an Ultrasonic Field - Boziuk Smith and Glezer

Accelerated Condensation in an Ultrasonic Field

Gallery of Fluid Motion